sbcl3 is an inorganic compound with the formula sbcl3. It is a yellow fuming, crystalline, caustic, soft masses (hence formerly called Butter of Antimony) which melt at 73Adeg and boil at 223Adeg. This substance is highly toxic and inhalation produces irritation of the upper respiratory tract; large exposures cause respiratory failure, resulting in coma and death. Contact with the skin causes deep chemical burns. It is very poisonous when ingested causing vomiting, purging with bloody stools and low blood pressure; poisoning in animals can lead to liver damage, skeletal deformities, heart disease, apoptosis, and chromosomal breakage in cells. It is also hygroscopic and can uptake moisture from humid air. This can be converted to tetra-antimony dichloride pentoxide, Sb4O5Cl2, which may precipitate as white crystals or a pasty sediment and/or hydrolyze to form soluble antimony trifluoride, SbF3, and chloroantimony(III) ions sbcl3-.
It is easily soluble in hydrochloric acid, which forms the solution SbCl2 in a bluish-green colour. If this solution is treated with considerable water a white crystalline precipitate of Antimony Oyxchloride, SbOCl, is obtained which was formerly known as Algarot powder.
To prepare this a weighed amount of powdered Antimony metal was placed into a reflux apparatus and with the addition of HCl the solution is heated until all the Antimony is dissolved leaving behind very finely divided Antimony metal. This is then filtered, washed and weighed. This gives a crude Antimony Trichloride which is reacted with concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide to yield a yellow syrupy liquid of sbcl3. This can be distilled to give pure sbcl3 as an inert solid.